When lenders look at your bank statements they will be highlighting various factors. They do this to establish whether you are the best applicant to lend to. Generally, an ideal applicant will be able to show how well they manage their finances and prove that they can keep up to date with their monthly payments.

If you are wondering what lenders look for on your bank statements, check out below how one aspect of your bank statement can impact your ability to get a mortgage in Scunthorpe.

What Do Lenders Look For On My Bank Statements? | MoneymanTV

Mortgage Questions to Consider

What has it got to do with the lender whether I gamble or not?

If you enjoy gambling once every couple of months or it’s a daily occurrence, be aware that gambling in a massive amount usually impacts your mortgage application. Being a frequent gambler, regardless of losing money or not, you may be declined because of your gambling habits.

Obviously, no one can dictate how you live your life, however, the media does advise that you ‘gamble responsibly’. Keep in mind that a lender needs an applicant that doesn’t oppose risk to them. They want to lend to someone who will keep up with their mortgage payments so there is less risk of repossession.

Looking at the perspective of the lender, would you want to lend some money to someone who frequently gambles with a large amount of money or someone who’s always on top of their payments and doesn’t gamble?

Is it still possible to get a mortgage if I’ve got gambling transactions on my recent bank statements?

Gambling is not an illegal act, however, the one-off gambling transaction on your bank statements will not mean that you’ll get automatically declined. They will assess the gambling transactions to if they are reasonable and responsible. The things they will look out for are how frequently you gamble, the number of transactions and how they relate to your income.

For those who are infrequently gambling in small amounts, this shouldn’t impact significantly to if you get accepted or not. On the flip side, if you are a regular gambler, this could affect your application. Going into your overdraft because of gambling can reflect badly on your application.

Is there anything else lenders wouldn’t want to see on my bank statements?

Lenders will take a thorough approach to your bank statements. There are a variety of things they will look into, however, generally, they want to look at your bank statements and be confident that you are a reliable applicant to lend to.

In the case where you exceed your overdraft limit every month, your lender might conclude that you are finding it difficult to manage your finances. We would always advise that you are always aware of this even though it’s likely that you will be okay doing so. As well as this, they will look at additional credit commitments that you have like like credit card or loan payments, etc. This is a key point as you will need to put aside a set amount every month to pay back the loan just like you would a mortgage payment.

We strongly recommend that you look out for credit transactions from pay-day loan companies or known as ‘undisclosed’ loan repayments. This can raise issues if you told them that you had no additional loans to account for but it is evident on your bank statements. With this in mind, you need to be fully honest with your lender and tell them everything before they view your bank statements.

What can I do to improve things?

As a Mortgage Broker in Scunthorpe, our team always suggest that the best way to improve things is to be rational and organised.

First of all, plan ahead! Normally, your lender will ask for a minimum of three months’ bank statements.
Therefore, before you apply, put yourself in a position where you are financially able and slow down on things like gambling and dipping into your overdraft. Little changes in your finances can help.

Approaching a Mortgage Broker in Scunthorpe, like ourselves, our team will help you with this process and find you the product that will help you the most. We do find there is some specialist lenders out there who will request fewer bank statements than others, a mortgage might be able to access one of these deals.

Get in touch with a Mortgage Broker in Scunthorpe

As a first time buyer in Scunthorpe and you are stepping into the mortgage world for the first time, we strongly recommend that you seek specialist mortgage advice from a mortgage advisor in Scunthorpe.

Date Last Edited: February 10, 2025